Crispian Thurlborn is a master storyteller. He’s the person you want to gather around by the campfire or the fireplace and say, “Tell us a story.”
In “Exit”, his latest tale, we are once again treated to the macabre, the uncanny, a story truly worthy of The Twilight Zone. “Exit” is a superb example of slow burn horror. And yet is the tale truly a horror story? Or just uncanny? Are there actually ghosts in this story, or are we just made to believe there are? So much is said, and so much is not said. We have to make a few decisions of our own.
If you like a bit of an O’Henry twist in a tale that is uncanny, macabre, with maybe ghosts, and a bit of philosophy, then “Exit” is definitely your cup of tea. It’s certainly mine.
Very highly recommended!!!

CW Hawes
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