Crispian Thurlborn


Although originally from England, I’ve spent over half of my life living and travelling overseas, from parts of Europe and North Africa to much of the Far East.

I mostly write from home these days, but in the past, I did much of my writing on subways, while sat in stairwells, or perched on rocks and mountainsides. Sometimes, I write in pubs.

I prefer listening to music when I write, particularly whenever I find myself sat in a coffee shop. Originally, it was just to quieten the buzzing drone of conversation, but now it is an important part of my process. Perhaps it is because it seals me away from the world despite the chaos of it struggling to get in.

If not writing, I can usually be found designing something, working on a story arc for a role-playing game, or sitting in a pub. Probably the latter.

I am currently working on a new pencil-and-paper RPG entitled “Dark Embers” along with several other projects. Aside from that, I continue work on the novel, ‘Glade’, whilst getting comfy in a hedge somewhere in Norfolk, England.

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Crispian Thurlborn Posted on

Crispian Thurlborn is a British author that has spent most of his adult life travelling and working on distant shores. If not writing, Crispian can be found taking photographs, telling stories, running a Call of Cthulhu session, or... most likely... in a pub.